
❖ सुविचार :- “अपने ज्ञान को साझा करना, यह एक तरह से अमरत्व को प्राप्त करने जैसा है”- दलाई लामा


 What if I require a book longer than the loan period?

If you require a book longer than the loan period you may renew it by bringing the book to the issue/return counter. As long as the book is not reserved, you will be able to renew it twice.
What if the book is lost?
In case a book/periodical/multimedia is lost by the borrower he/she should have to either replace it by a new book/periodical/multimedia of the same or later edition or deposit the current market cost of the book/periodical/multimedia.
What if a book is overdue?
Overdue reminders will be sent to your class teacher/office periodically. You should bring the book along with the reminder slip back to the library.

#समय की कीमत

समय की कीमत समय अनमोल है। जो समय का महत्व जानते हैं, वे पल-पल समय का सदुपयोग करते हैं। इससे संसार में किसी भी लक्ष्य को पाया जा सकता है। यह ...